Thursday, June 14, 2007

"I'm so tried, I feel like i'm going to vomit" (My new song)

I took a walk to the State Capital to pick-up a copy of the Constitution of Hawaii, on my lunch break. I went to the Legislative Resource Bearu Library (I used the mnemonic "[L]esbians [R]eaming [B]ig [L]abias" to remember that one), in the maze-like basement of the Capital, and the lady, at the desk, showed me the big old book it was in.

The lady at the desk told me, "You can read this at any state library."

"Where can I buy a copy?", I replied.

She answered, "I have no idea?"

Jesus fuck!!! You'd think I'd be able to get a copy of the laws I'm supposed to follow, and the rights afforded to me, by the State, without going on a scavenger-hunt. Why doesn't the State...and Fed, for that matter...mail me a copy of the the State...and Federal...Constitution, with my tax return? I don't feel like I can properly practice my rights, or follow the law...well...if I don't know what they are.

In my frustration, in not being able to attain a State Constitution, I did what every anarchist would do, in my situation: I picked-up a copy of the Weekly, checked out the upcoming shows, and dropped a huge deuce, in one of the Capital bathrooms. I almost didn't flush because I was so mad.

Now my stomach aches because I sacrificed my lunch in attempting to acquire a constitution. Also, I'm really tired because a few friends and I went to Porkies (aka "The Pork) (aka "The worst strip club on the island), to play pool, last night, and I only got 4 hours of sleep.

Anywho, try to write some music and sing what I just wrote, and if the song gets popular, I get the royalties.


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